The transportation of fluid in cross country pipelines involves the conversion of mechanical energy into pressure energy through the use of pumps at the mainline pump station. While designing the pipeline system, the pressure energy at originating and intermediate pump stations are designed taking into account the system losses to ensure the required flow right up to the end receipt station at the design pressure.
The incoming pressure at intermediate tap-off receipt stations are higher than the required pressure, which is reduced within acceptable limits through the use of a Control Valve. The control valve used in pipeline systems consists of valves with actuators for throttling of the position based on the required set pressures. There is considerable loss of energy in the pressure control valves since pressure energy is dissipated as heat, noise and vibration. Installation of energy recovery units across the pressure control valve can be a solution to recover energy losses at the pipeline receipt stations. The energy is recovered by utilizing the excess pressure to run an Energy Recovery Turbine (ERT) which in turn runs a generator that produces electricity. This paper will discuss the applications of an ERT in cross country pipeline systems, including the benefits, working principle, and different types of ERT.