To avoid making billion dollar mistakes, operators with discoveries in deepwater (∼3,000m) Gulf of Mexico (GoM) need dependable well performance, reservoir response and fluid data to guide full-field development decisions. Recognizing this need, the DeepStar consortium developed a conceptual design for an Early Production System (EPS) that will serve as a mobile well test system that is safe, environmentally friendly and cost-effective.

The EPS is a dynamically positioned (DP) Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel with a bundled top tensioned riser having quick emergency disconnect capability. Both oil and gas are processed onboard and exported by shuttle tankers to local markets. Oil is stored and offloaded using standard FPSO techniques, while the gas is exported as Compressed Natural Gas (CNG).

This paper summarizes the technologies, regulatory acceptance, and business model that will make the DeepStar EPS a reality.

Paper published with permission.

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