
7R26. Fracture Mechanics of Metals, Composites, Welds, and Bolted Joints: Application of LEFM, EPFM, and FMDM Theory. - B Farahmand. Kluwer Acad Publ, Dordrecht, Netherlands. 2001. 408 pp. ISBN 0-7923-7239-5. $140.00.

Reviewed by MH Aliabadi (Dept of Comput Mech, Queen Mary and Westfield Col, Univ of London, Mile Eng, London, E1 4NS, UK).

AA Griffith carried out the first systematic investigation of fracture phenomena, 82 years ago. Since that investigation, the subject of fracture mechanics has matured and formed an essential part of the structural integrity assessment of engineering structures. The concepts of safe-life and damage tolerant design in nuclear, pressure vessel, and aerospace industries are of paramount importance. This book is a welcome addition to a growing number of books on the subject. Parts of the text can be used for undergraduate teaching, but the book as a whole is aimed at the graduate level with emphasis on the applications rather than theoretical developments of the subject.

The book is divided into eight chapters. The first presents an overview of fracture mechanics and failure prevention. Here basic parameters in Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) and Elastoplastic Fracture Mechanics (EPFM) are presented. Also discussed are topics such as Failure Prevention and Fracture Control and Non Destructive Inspection. The second chapter is entitled Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics and Applications. Here, the fundamental concepts are reviewed and essential fracture parameters such as stress intensity factor are described. Also presented are residual strength diagrams and practical concepts such as leak-before burst. Chapter 3 concentrates on fatigue crack growth and applications. In this chapter, the crack closure concept as presented by Elber is presented. Also presented are Wheeler and Willenborg retardation models. Other topics covered include environmental assisted corrosion cracking.

The next two chapters deal with nonlinear concepts. Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics is covered in Chapter 4. Here, the concepts such as nonlinear J-integral are presented without going through the mathematical derivations. Several applications are presented to demonstrate the use of the EPFM. Chapter 5 deals with the fracture mechanics of ductile metals.

The next three chapters are aimed at practical applications. Chapter 6 presents welded joints and applications. Topics such as friction stir welding are examined. Applications to Bolted Joints are subject of the next chapter. The final chapter deals with an important topic, Damage Tolerance of Composites. This chapter is co-authored by A Abdi, L Minnetyan, and C Chamis. Here different failure modes of composite materials are described. Particular emphasis is given to a computer code GENO-PFA.

Fracture Mechanics of Metals, Composites, Welds, and Bolted Joints is well written and includes many interesting examples. The text is complementary to most other texts on the subject, as emphasis throughout the book is on applications rather than the mathematical theoretical developments.