Based on the Theory of Porous Media (mixture theories extended by the concept of volume fractions), a model describing the mechanical behavior of hydrated soft tissues such as articular cartilage is presented. As usual, the tissue will be modeled as a materially incompressible binary medium of one linear viscoelastic porous solid skeleton saturated by a single viscous pore-fluid. The contribution of this paper is to combine a descriptive representation of the linear viscoelasticity law for the organic solid matrix with an efficient numerical treatment of the strongly coupled solid-fluid problem. Furthermore, deformation-dependent permeability effects are considered. Within the finite element method (FEM), the weak forms of the governing model equations are set up in a system of differential algebraic equations (DAE) in time. Thus, appropriate embedded error-controlled time integration methods can be applied that allow for a reliable and efficient numerical treatment of complex initial boundary-value problems. The applicability and the efficiency of the presented model are demonstrated within canonical, numerical examples, which reveal the influence of the intrinsic dissipation on the general behavior of hydrated soft tissues, exemplarily on articular cartilage.
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October 2001
Technical Papers
A Linear Viscoelastic Biphasic Model for Soft Tissues Based on the Theory of Porous Media
Wolfgang Ehlers,
Wolfgang Ehlers
Institute of Applied Mechanics (Civil Engineering), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
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Bernd Markert
Bernd Markert
Institute of Applied Mechanics (Civil Engineering), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
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Wolfgang Ehlers
Institute of Applied Mechanics (Civil Engineering), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Bernd Markert
Institute of Applied Mechanics (Civil Engineering), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Contributed by the Bioengineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Bioengineering Division November 30, 1999; revised manuscript received April 25, 2001. Associate Editor: L. A. Taber.
J Biomech Eng. Oct 2001, 123(5): 418-424 (7 pages)
Published Online: April 25, 2001
Article history
November 30, 1999
April 25, 2001
Ehlers , W., and Markert, B. (April 25, 2001). "A Linear Viscoelastic Biphasic Model for Soft Tissues Based on the Theory of Porous Media ." ASME. J Biomech Eng. October 2001; 123(5): 418–424.
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