To explore the hypothesis that load-induced fluid flow in bone is a mechano-transduction mechanism in bone adaptation, unit cell micro-mechanical techniques are used to relate the microstructure of Haversian cortical bone to its effective poroelastic properties. Computational poroelastic models are then applied to compute in vitro Haversian fluid flows in a prismatic specimen of cortical bone during harmonic bending excitations over the frequency range of to At each frequency considered, the steady state harmonic response of the poroelastic bone specimen is computed using complex frequency-domain finite element analysis. At the higher frequencies considered, the breakdown of Poisueille flow in Haversian canals is modeled by introduction of a complex fluid viscosity. Peak bone fluid pressures are found to increase linearly with loading frequency in proportion to peak bone stress up to frequencies of approximately 10 kHz. Haversian fluid shear stresses are found to increase linearly with excitation frequency and loading magnitude up until the breakdown of Poisueille flow. Tan δ values associated with the energy dissipated by load-induced fluid flow are also compared with values measured experimentally in a concurrent broadband spectral analysis of bone. The computational models indicate that fluid shear stresses and fluid pressures in the Haversian system could, under physiologically realistic loading, easily reach the level of a few Pascals, which have been shown in other works to elicit cell responses in vitro.
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February 2003
Technical Papers
Micromechanically Based Poroelastic Modeling of Fluid Flow in Haversian Bone
C. C. Swan,
C. C. Swan
Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
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R. S. Lakes,
R. S. Lakes
Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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R. A. Brand,
R. A. Brand
Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
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K. J. Stewart
K. J. Stewart
Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
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C. C. Swan
Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
R. S. Lakes
Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
R. A. Brand
Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
K. J. Stewart
Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
Contributed by the Bioengineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Manuscript received February 2002; revised manuscript received, September 2002. Associate Editor: J. D. Humphrey.
J Biomech Eng. Feb 2003, 125(1): 25-37 (13 pages)
Published Online: February 14, 2003
Article history
February 1, 2002
September 1, 2002
February 14, 2003
Swan, C. C., Lakes, R. S., Brand, R. A., and Stewart, K. J. (February 14, 2003). "Micromechanically Based Poroelastic Modeling of Fluid Flow in Haversian Bone ." ASME. J Biomech Eng. February 2003; 125(1): 25–37.
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