The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has proposed ASTM D8044, Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Asphalt Mixture Cracking Resistance Using the Semi-circular Bend Test (SCB) at Intermediate Temperatures, to test the tensile fracture toughness (mode I) of asphalt concrete materials using semicircular disk bend specimens. However, one of the main objectives of this study is to investigate the feasibility of the ASTM D8044 standard for analyzing the mixed-mode I-II (tensile and shear) fracturing of asphalt concrete materials. This study is a comparative evaluation of experimental, analytical, and numerical analysis. The stress distribution and cohesive crack growth analysis were performed using the fracture mechanics program FRANC2D. Experimental results showed that the notched cracks opened at a 30° inclination angle (β) and kept opening up to β of 45°. The mode I fracture toughness (KIC) of asphalt concrete specimens was found to be 0.37 MPa√m. The KIC value, on the other hand, was determined to be 0.44 MPa√m for the 30° inclined crack and 0.40 MPa√m for the 45° inclined notch crack. The critical crack length was found to be 2–2.5 mm using critical crack threshold analysis. On the other hand, the critical crack length was found between 8 mm and 10 mm for the mixed-mode (I-II) loading. It is believed that this study could be considered an initial research on the use of semicircular disk bend geometry for asphalt concrete materials, not only for mode I test but also for mixed-mode loading tests and for the establishment of an international standard test.