A general hydraulic loss coefficient correlation for perpendicular, cylindrical, finite length dividing pipe junctions is developed and implemented in a discrete dividing-flow manifold model. Dividing-flow manifolds are used in several technical appliances, e.g., in water and wastewater treatment, swimming pool technology, air engineering, and polymer processing. Ensuring uniform flow distribution is a major goal of a flow manifold system design, whose accuracy is usually determined by the accuracies of applied flow coefficients. Coefficient of turning losses is calculated by a computational fluid dynamics (CFD)-based approach applying a nonlinear fit. In the case of a single-phase flow, the loss coefficient depends on four dimensionless parameters: the Reynolds number, the ratio of port and header flow velocities, the diameter ratio, and the ratio of the port length and the diameter of the pipe. Instead of experimentally covering this four-dimensional parameter space, more than 1000 judiciously chosen three-dimensional simulations were run to determine the loss coefficient for the parameter range most used in engineering practice. Validated results of our novel resistance formula show that the velocity and port length to header diameter ratios have a significant effect on the turning loss coefficient, while the diameter ratio and Reynolds number dependency are weaker in the investigated parameter ranges.
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March 2017
Hydraulic Loss of Finite Length Dividing Junctions
András Tomor,
András Tomor
Department of Fluid Mechanics,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Budapest University of
Technology and Economics,
Bertalan Lajos Street 4-6,
Budapest H-1111, Hungary
e-mail: tomor@ara.bme.hu
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Budapest University of
Technology and Economics,
Bertalan Lajos Street 4-6,
Budapest H-1111, Hungary
e-mail: tomor@ara.bme.hu
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Gergely Kristóf
Gergely Kristóf
Department of Fluid Mechanics,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Budapest University of
Technology and Economics,
Bertalan Lajos Street 4-6,
Budapest H-1111, Hungary
e-mail: kristof@ara.bme.hu
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Budapest University of
Technology and Economics,
Bertalan Lajos Street 4-6,
Budapest H-1111, Hungary
e-mail: kristof@ara.bme.hu
Search for other works by this author on:
András Tomor
Department of Fluid Mechanics,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Budapest University of
Technology and Economics,
Bertalan Lajos Street 4-6,
Budapest H-1111, Hungary
e-mail: tomor@ara.bme.hu
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Budapest University of
Technology and Economics,
Bertalan Lajos Street 4-6,
Budapest H-1111, Hungary
e-mail: tomor@ara.bme.hu
Gergely Kristóf
Department of Fluid Mechanics,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Budapest University of
Technology and Economics,
Bertalan Lajos Street 4-6,
Budapest H-1111, Hungary
e-mail: kristof@ara.bme.hu
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Budapest University of
Technology and Economics,
Bertalan Lajos Street 4-6,
Budapest H-1111, Hungary
e-mail: kristof@ara.bme.hu
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received May 12, 2016; final manuscript received October 2, 2016; published online January 19, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Francine Battaglia.
J. Fluids Eng. Mar 2017, 139(3): 031104 (11 pages)
Published Online: January 19, 2017
Article history
May 12, 2016
October 2, 2016
Tomor, A., and Kristóf, G. (January 19, 2017). "Hydraulic Loss of Finite Length Dividing Junctions." ASME. J. Fluids Eng. March 2017; 139(3): 031104. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4034876
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