Recent applications of the scanning electron microscope (SEM) have been in areas such as paint samples evaluation [1,2] and firing pin impressions [3,4], These have provided useful additional information to the forensic scientist. This investigation was conducted to further expand the applicability of the SEM and the developed imaging techniques for use on other forms of physical evidence. Specifically, striations on copper-jacketed bullets and contaminant particles recovered from personal articles (clothing, shoes, etc) were chosen.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, H. R.
, Judd
, G.
, and Ferriss
, S.
, “The Application of Scanning Electron Microscopy to the Forensic Evaluation of Vehicular Paint Samples
,” Journal of Forensic Sciences, JFSCA
, Vol. 17
, 1972
, pp. 645
, R.
and Judd
, G.
, “The Application of Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive Analysis to the Examination of Forensic Paint Samples
,” Advances of X-Ray Analysis
0376-0308, Vol. 16
, 1972
, pp. 19
, C. A.
, Judd
, G.
, and Horn
, R.
, “Examination of Firing Pin Impressions by Scanning Electron Microscopy
,” Journal of Forensic Sciences, JFSCA
, Vol. 17
, 1972
, pp. 659
, C. A.
, Judd
, G.
, and Horn
, R.
, “Evaluation of SEM Potential in the Examination of Shotgun and Rifle Firing Pin Impressions
,” Journal of Forensic Science, JFSCA
, Vol. 19
, No. 3
, 07
, pp. 441
, G.
, Wilson
, R.
, and Weiss
, H.
, “A Topographical Comparison Imaging System for SEM Applications
,” Sixth IITRI Symposium
, IIT Research Institute
, Chicago
, 1973
, pp. 167
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