Injuries resulting from the discharge of conventional threaded metallic tear gas cartridges and similar devices loaded with chioroacetophenone (CN) or ortho chlorobenzalmalononitrile (CS) have been reported recently [1–4]. Wounds caused by the firing of illegal pen guns loaded with fixed metallic ammunition have also been reported [5].
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, R. A.
and Stahl
, C. J.
, “Eye Injury Caused by Tear-Gas Weapons
,” American Journal of Ophthalmology
0002-9394, Vol. 65
, 1968
, pp. 497
, C. J.
, Young
, B. C.
, Brown
, R. J.
, and Ainsworth
, C. A.
, III, “Forensic Aspects of Tear-Gas Pen Guns
,” Journal of Forensic Sciences, JFSCA
, Vol. 13
, 1968
, pp. 442
, K. M.
and Stahl
, C. J.
, “Ballistic Characteristics and Wounding Effects of a Tear Gas Pen Gun Loaded with Ortho-Chlorobenzalmalononitrile
,” Journal of Forensic Sciences, JFSCA
, Vol. 17
, 1972
, pp. 292
, K. M.
and Stahl
, C. J.
, “Experimental Injuries of the Eye Caused by a Tear Gas Pen Gun Loaded with Ortho-Chlorobenzalmalononitrile
,” Journal of Forensic Sciences, JFSCA
, Vol. 17
, 1972
, pp. 547
, C. J.
and Davis
, J. H.
, “Missile Wounds Caused by Tear-Gas Pen Guns
,” American Journal of Clinical Pathology
0002-9173, Vol. 52
, 1969
, pp. 270
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