This is a survey of over 60 defendants who were indicted on charges of sexual offenses in the County of New York and who were referred for comprehensive psychodiagnostic evaluation atthe psychology unit of the Forensic Psychiatry Clinic. Only a small segment of the sample was found to be suffering from organic central nervous system impairment or to be of subnormal intellectual endowment.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, W. P.
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, J. A.
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, W. L.
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, J. R.
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,” Psychological Record
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, R. L.
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,” Psychiatric Quarterly
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, pp. 156
, H. H.
and Rosner
, R.
, “Sex Offenders: A Descriptive Analysis of Cases Studied at a Forensic Psychiatry Clinic
,” Journal of Forensic Sciences
, Vol. 25
, No. 1
, 01
, pp. 3
McKinney's Consolidated Law of New York
, Book 39, Penal Law, Article 130, Sex Offenses, West Publishing Co.
, St. Paul, Minn.
, 1975
, pp. 444
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
, 2nd ed., American Psychiatric Association
, Washington, D.C.
, 1968
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
, 3rd ed., American Psychiatric Association
, Washington, D.C.
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