Effusion cooling represents the state of the art of liner cooling technology for modern combustors. This technique consists of an array of closely spaced discrete film cooling holes and contributes to lower the metal temperature by the combined protective effect of coolant film and heat removal through forced convection inside each hole. Despite many efforts reported in literature to characterize the cooling performance of these devices, detailed analyses of the mixing process between coolant and hot gas are difficult to perform, especially when superposition and density ratio effects as well as the interaction with complex gas side flow field become significant. Furthermore, recent investigations on the acoustic properties of these perforations pointed out the challenge to maintain optimal cooling performance also with orthogonal holes, which showed higher sound absorption. The objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of a realistic flow field on the adiabatic effectiveness performance of effusion cooling liners to verify the findings available in literature, which are mostly based on effusion flat plates with aligned cross flow, in case of swirled hot gas flow. The geometry consists of a tubular combustion chamber, equipped with a double swirler injection system and characterized by 22 rows of cooling holes on the liner. The liner cooling system employs slot cooling as well: its interactions with the cold gas injected through the effusion plate are investigated too. Taking advantage of the rotational periodicity of the effusion geometry and assuming axisymmetric conditions at the combustor inlet, steady state RANS calculations have been performed with the commercial code Ansys® CFX simulating a single circumferential pitch. Obtained results show how the effusion perforation angle deeply affects the flow-field around the corner of the combustor, in particular, with a strong reduction of slot effectiveness in case of 90 deg angle value.
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Investigation on the Effect of a Realistic Flow Field on the Adiabatic Effectiveness of an Effusion-Cooled Combustor
Luca Andrei,
Luca Andrei
DIEF—Department of Industrial
Engineering Florence,
e-mail: luca.andrei@htc.de.unifi.it
Engineering Florence,
University of Florence
,via di Santa Marta 3
,Firenze 50139
, Italy
e-mail: luca.andrei@htc.de.unifi.it
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Antonio Andreini,
Antonio Andreini
DIEF—Department of Industrial
Engineering Florence,
e-mail: antonio.andreini@htc.de.unifi.it
Engineering Florence,
University of Florence
,via di Santa Marta 3
,Firenze 50139
, Italy
e-mail: antonio.andreini@htc.de.unifi.it
1Corresponding author.
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Cosimo Bianchini,
Cosimo Bianchini
DIEF—Department of Industrial
Engineering Florence,
e-mail: cosimo.bianchini@htc.de.unifi.it
Engineering Florence,
University of Florence
,via di Santa Marta 3
,Firenze 50139
, Italy
e-mail: cosimo.bianchini@htc.de.unifi.it
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Bruno Facchini,
Bruno Facchini
DIEF—Department of Industrial
Engineering Florence,
e-mail: bruno.facchini@htc.de.unifi.it
Engineering Florence,
University of Florence
,via di Santa Marta 3
,Firenze 50139
, Italy
e-mail: bruno.facchini@htc.de.unifi.it
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Lorenzo Mazzei,
Lorenzo Mazzei
DIEF—Department of Industrial
Engineering Florence,
e-mail: lorenzo.mazzei@htc.de.unifi.it
Engineering Florence,
University of Florence
,via di Santa Marta 3
,Firenze 50139
, Italy
e-mail: lorenzo.mazzei@htc.de.unifi.it
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Fabio Turrini
Fabio Turrini
Combustors Product Engineering,
e-mail: fabio.turrini@avioaero.com
Avio Aero
,via Primo Maggio 56
,Rivalta di Torino 10040
, Italy
e-mail: fabio.turrini@avioaero.com
Search for other works by this author on:
Luca Andrei
DIEF—Department of Industrial
Engineering Florence,
e-mail: luca.andrei@htc.de.unifi.it
Engineering Florence,
University of Florence
,via di Santa Marta 3
,Firenze 50139
, Italy
e-mail: luca.andrei@htc.de.unifi.it
Antonio Andreini
DIEF—Department of Industrial
Engineering Florence,
e-mail: antonio.andreini@htc.de.unifi.it
Engineering Florence,
University of Florence
,via di Santa Marta 3
,Firenze 50139
, Italy
e-mail: antonio.andreini@htc.de.unifi.it
Cosimo Bianchini
DIEF—Department of Industrial
Engineering Florence,
e-mail: cosimo.bianchini@htc.de.unifi.it
Engineering Florence,
University of Florence
,via di Santa Marta 3
,Firenze 50139
, Italy
e-mail: cosimo.bianchini@htc.de.unifi.it
Bruno Facchini
DIEF—Department of Industrial
Engineering Florence,
e-mail: bruno.facchini@htc.de.unifi.it
Engineering Florence,
University of Florence
,via di Santa Marta 3
,Firenze 50139
, Italy
e-mail: bruno.facchini@htc.de.unifi.it
Lorenzo Mazzei
DIEF—Department of Industrial
Engineering Florence,
e-mail: lorenzo.mazzei@htc.de.unifi.it
Engineering Florence,
University of Florence
,via di Santa Marta 3
,Firenze 50139
, Italy
e-mail: lorenzo.mazzei@htc.de.unifi.it
Fabio Turrini
Combustors Product Engineering,
e-mail: fabio.turrini@avioaero.com
Avio Aero
,via Primo Maggio 56
,Rivalta di Torino 10040
, Italy
e-mail: fabio.turrini@avioaero.com
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Combustion and Fuels Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received July 16, 2014; final manuscript received August 27, 2014; published online November 18, 2014. Editor: David Wisler.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. May 2015, 137(5): 051501 (9 pages)
Published Online: May 1, 2015
Article history
July 16, 2014
Revision Received:
August 27, 2014
November 18, 2014
Andrei, L., Andreini, A., Bianchini, C., Facchini, B., Mazzei, L., and Turrini, F. (May 1, 2015). "Investigation on the Effect of a Realistic Flow Field on the Adiabatic Effectiveness of an Effusion-Cooled Combustor." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. May 2015; 137(5): 051501. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4028676
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