ASTM Committee D18.02 on Sampling and Related Field Testing for Soil Investigation (Mr. Ralph Brown, Chairman) suggested that this proposed suggested method be published herein to provide exposure and solicit comments for users. The purpose is to improve its clarity, accuracy, and acceptibility, so that in the future, Committee D18.02 may submit it for publication in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Suggestions for revision and other comments should be sent to Alan J. Lutenegger, Subcommittee D18.02.12. The subcommittee will fully consider all comments and suggestions that provide specific improvements to the proposed method.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, J. P.
and Bauer
, G. E.
, “The Modified Borehole Shear Device
,” Geotechnical Testing Journal
0149-6115, Vol. 6
, No. 1
, 03
, pp. 24
, R. L.
, Schmertmann
, J. H.
, and Lutenegger
, A. J.
, “Borehole Shear Tests in a Shallow Marine Environment
,” Strength Testing of Marine Sediments: Laboratory and In-Situ Measurements
, STP 883. American Society for Testing and Materials
, Philadelphia
, 1985
, pp. 140
, A. J.
, Remmes
, B. D.
, and Handy
, R. L.
, “Borehole Shear Test for Stiff Soils
,” Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, Proceedings of the ASCE
, Vol. 104
, No. GT11
, 1978
, pp. 1403
, A. J.
and Timian
, D.
, “Variability of Borehole Shear Test Results
,” Clarkson University, Department of Civil Engineering
, Report 85-2, 10
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