Using Terzaghi's degree of consolidation, U, and the time factor, T, relationship, if MU1 and MU2 (MU1 ≠ MU2) are slopes of the U−√T curve at any two time factors TU1 and TU2, then it can be shown that a unique relationship exists between TU2/TU1, MU1/MU2, and TU1 (or TU2), and knowing any two of these, the third can be uniquely determined. A chart, called the T chart, has been plotted using these three variables for quickly determining T and U at any experimental time, t, to determine the coefficient of consolidation, cv, corrected zero settlement, δ0, and ultimate primary settlement, δ100. The chart can be used even in those cases where settlement and time, at the instant of load increment, are not known.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
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, S. K.
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, 1998
, “Closure for the Discussion on ‘Improved √t Method to Evaluate Consolidation Test Results,’ Discussion by Prakash, K.
,” ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal
, GTJODJ, Vol. 21
, No. 2
, pp. 155
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