The heat transfer enhancement of drag-reducing flow of high Reynolds number in a two-dimensional channel by utilizing the characteristic of fluid was studied. As the networks of rod-like micelles in surfactant solution are responsible for suppressing the turbulence in drag-reducing flow, destruction of the structure of networks was considered to eliminate the drag reduction and prevent heat transfer deterioration. By inserting wire mesh in the channel against the flow, the drag-reducing function of the micellar structure in surfactant aqueous solution was successfully switched off. With the Reynolds number close to the first critical Reynolds number, the heat transfer coefficient in the region downstream of the mesh can be improved significantly, reaching the same level as that of water. The region with turbulent heat transfer downstream of the mesh becomes smaller as the concentration of surfactant in the solution increases. Three types of mesh of different wire diameter and opening space were evaluated for their effect in promoting heat transfer and the corresponding pressure loss due to blockage of the mesh. The turbulent intensities were measured downstream from the mesh by using a Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) system. The results indicated that the success of heat transfer enhancement is due to the strong turbulence promoted by the mesh which destroys the network of rod-like micelles by applying high shear stress and thus relaxing the shear induced state (SIS).
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Technical Papers
Heat Transfer Enhancement to the Drag-Reducing Flow of Surfactant Solution in Two-Dimensional Channel With Mesh-Screen Inserts at the Inlet
Peiwen Li, Industrial Technology Researcher,
Peiwen Li, Industrial Technology Researcher
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory AIST, MITI, Japan The Energy Conservation Center, Japan
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Yasuo Kawaguchi, Senior Researcher,
Yasuo Kawaguchi, Senior Researcher
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory AIST, MITI, Japan Namiki 1-2, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
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Hisashi Daisaka, Graduate Student,
Hisashi Daisaka, Graduate Student
Keio University, Japan
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Akira Yabe, Director of Research Planning Office,
Akira Yabe, Director of Research Planning Office
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory AIST, MITI, Japan
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Koichi Hishida, Professor,
Koichi Hishida, Professor
Keio University, Japan
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Masanobu Maeda, Professor
Masanobu Maeda, Professor
Keio University, Japan
Search for other works by this author on:
Peiwen Li, Industrial Technology Researcher
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory AIST, MITI, Japan The Energy Conservation Center, Japan
Yasuo Kawaguchi, Senior Researcher
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory AIST, MITI, Japan Namiki 1-2, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Hisashi Daisaka, Graduate Student
Keio University, Japan
Akira Yabe, Director of Research Planning Office
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory AIST, MITI, Japan
Koichi Hishida, Professor
Keio University, Japan
Masanobu Maeda, Professor
Keio University, Japan
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER. Manuscript received by the Heat Transfer Division October 26, 1999; revision received November 20, 2000. Associate Editor: S. S. Sadhal.
J. Heat Transfer. Aug 2001, 123(4): 779-789 (11 pages)
Published Online: November 20, 2000
Article history
October 26, 1999
November 20, 2000
Li, P., Kawaguchi, Y., Daisaka, H., Yabe, A., Hishida, K., and Maeda, M. (November 20, 2000). "Heat Transfer Enhancement to the Drag-Reducing Flow of Surfactant Solution in Two-Dimensional Channel With Mesh-Screen Inserts at the Inlet ." ASME. J. Heat Transfer. August 2001; 123(4): 779–789.
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