To pursue high-performance computer numerical control (CNC) milling of complex parts, it is crucial to simulate their machining process geometrically and physically with high fidelity beforehand. The geometric simulation is to construct three-dimensional (3D) models of the finished parts and to compute geometric deviation between the models and the part designs, in order to verify the planned tool paths. The physical simulation is to build undeformed chips geometric models and in-process workpiece models and to compute instantaneous cutting forces, in order to optimize the machining parameters. Therefore, it is essential to accurately and efficiently model undeformed chips geometry in machining complex geometric parts. Unfortunately, this work is quite challenging, and no well-established method for this work is available. To address this problem, our work proposes an accurate and effective approach to 3D geometric modeling of undeformed chips geometry in three-axis milling of complex parts. The outstanding feature of this approach is that undeformed chip models and in-process workpiece models can be effectively constructed. This approach lays a theoretical foundation for the geometric and the physical simulations of three-axis milling. It advances the technique of machining simulation and promotes high-performance machining of complex parts.
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An Accurate and Efficient Approach to Three-Dimensional Geometric Modeling of Undeformed Chips for the Geometric and the Physical Simulations of Three-Axis Milling of Complex Parts
Zhiyong Chang,
Zhiyong Chang
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi’an 710072, Shaanxi, China
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi’an 710072, Shaanxi, China
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Zezhong C. Chen
Zezhong C. Chen
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi’an 710072, Shaanxi, China;
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi’an 710072, Shaanxi, China;
Department of Mechanical and
Industrial Engineering,
Concordia University,
Montreal, QC H3G 1M8, Canada
Industrial Engineering,
Concordia University,
Montreal, QC H3G 1M8, Canada
Search for other works by this author on:
Zhiyong Chang
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi’an 710072, Shaanxi, China
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi’an 710072, Shaanxi, China
Zezhong C. Chen
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi’an 710072, Shaanxi, China;
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi’an 710072, Shaanxi, China;
Department of Mechanical and
Industrial Engineering,
Concordia University,
Montreal, QC H3G 1M8, Canada
Industrial Engineering,
Concordia University,
Montreal, QC H3G 1M8, Canada
1Dr. Chen currently is on sabbatical leave at the Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China.
Manuscript received July 21, 2015; final manuscript received November 6, 2015; published online December 16, 2015. Assoc. Editor: Laine Mears.
J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. May 2016, 138(5): 051010 (16 pages)
Published Online: December 16, 2015
Article history
July 21, 2015
November 6, 2015
Chang, Z., and Chen, Z. C. (December 16, 2015). "An Accurate and Efficient Approach to Three-Dimensional Geometric Modeling of Undeformed Chips for the Geometric and the Physical Simulations of Three-Axis Milling of Complex Parts." ASME. J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. May 2016; 138(5): 051010.
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