This paper presents the explicit mapping relations between topological structure and position and orientation characteristic (POC) of mechanism motion output. It deals with (1) the symbolic representation and the invariant property of the topological structure of the mechanism, (2) the matrix representation of POC of mechanism motion output, and (3) the POC equations of serial and parallel mechanisms and the corresponding symbolic operation rules. The symbolic operation involves simple mathematic tools and fewer operation rules and has clear geometrical meaning, so it is easy to use. The POC equations cannot only be used for structural analysis of the mechanism (such as determining POC of the relative motion between any two links of a mechanism and the rank of single-loop kinematic chain and calculating the full-cycle DOF of a mechanism, etc.) but can be used for structural synthesis of the mechanism as well (e.g., structural synthesis of the rank-degenerated serial mechanism, the over constrained single-loop mechanism, and the rank-degenerated parallel mechanism, etc.).
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February 2009
Research Papers
Position and Orientation Characteristic Equation for Topological Design of Robot Mechanisms
Ting-Li Yang,
Ting-Li Yang
SINOPIC Jinling Petrochemical Corporation
, Room 402, Building 6, The 4th Suo-Jin-Cun Village, Nanjing 210042, P.R.C.
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Lu-Bin Hang
Lu-Bin Hang
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Ting-Li Yang
SINOPIC Jinling Petrochemical Corporation
, Room 402, Building 6, The 4th Suo-Jin-Cun Village, Nanjing 210042, P.R.C.e-mail:
An-Xin Liu
Qiong Jin
Yu-Feng Luo
Hui-Ping Shen
Lu-Bin Hang
J. Mech. Des. Feb 2009, 131(2): 021001 (17 pages)
Published Online: December 30, 2008
Article history
October 2, 2006
June 4, 2008
December 30, 2008
Yang, T., Liu, A., Jin, Q., Luo, Y., Shen, H., and Hang, L. (December 30, 2008). "Position and Orientation Characteristic Equation for Topological Design of Robot Mechanisms." ASME. J. Mech. Des. February 2009; 131(2): 021001.
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