Bidirectional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO) method has been successfully applied for a wide range of topology optimization problems. In this paper, the BESO method is further extended to the optimal design of an automotive tailor-welded blank (TWB) door with multiple thicknesses. Different from the traditional topology optimization for solid-void designs, topology optimization of the TWB door needs to identify the weld lines which joint sheets with different thicknesses. The finite element (FE) model of the automotive door assembly is established and verified by a series of stiffness experiments. Then, the proposed optimization procedure is applied to the optimization of the automotive TWB indoor panel for the optimal thickness layout and weld lines locations. Numerical results give guidelines for the lightweight design of TWB components to some extent.
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May 2015
Design Innovation Paper
Topology Optimization of an Automotive Tailor-Welded Blank Door
Guangyao Li,
Guangyao Li
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design
and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University
,Changsha 410082
, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Fengxiang Xu,
Fengxiang Xu
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design
and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University
,Changsha 410082
, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Xiaodong Huang,
Xiaodong Huang
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design
and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University
,Changsha 410082
, China
Centre for Innovative Structures and Materials,
School of Civil, Environmental,
and Chemical Engineering,
School of Civil, Environmental,
and Chemical Engineering,
RMIT University
,GPO Box 2476
,Melbourne 3001
, Australia
Search for other works by this author on:
Guangyong Sun
Guangyong Sun
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design
and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University
,Changsha 410082
, China
1Corresponding author.
Search for other works by this author on:
Guangyao Li
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design
and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University
,Changsha 410082
, China
Fengxiang Xu
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design
and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University
,Changsha 410082
, China
Xiaodong Huang
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design
and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University
,Changsha 410082
, China
Centre for Innovative Structures and Materials,
School of Civil, Environmental,
and Chemical Engineering,
School of Civil, Environmental,
and Chemical Engineering,
RMIT University
,GPO Box 2476
,Melbourne 3001
, Australia
Guangyong Sun
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design
and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University
,Changsha 410082
, China
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Design Innovation and Devices of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. Manuscript received August 8, 2013; final manuscript received September 16, 2014; published online March 5, 2015. Assoc. Editor: Kazuhiro Saitou.
J. Mech. Des. May 2015, 137(5): 055001 (8 pages)
Published Online: May 1, 2015
Article history
August 8, 2013
Revision Received:
September 16, 2014
March 5, 2015
Li, G., Xu, F., Huang, X., and Sun, G. (May 1, 2015). "Topology Optimization of an Automotive Tailor-Welded Blank Door." ASME. J. Mech. Des. May 2015; 137(5): 055001.
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