A configuration of a mechanical linkage is defined as regular if there exists a subset of actuators with their corresponding Jacobian columns spans the gripper's velocity space. All other configurations are defined in the literature as singular configurations. Consider mechanisms with grippers' velocity space . We focus our attention on the case where m Jacobian columns of such mechanism span , while all the rest are linearly dependent. These are obviously an undesirable configuration, although formally they are defined as regular. We define an optimal-regular configuration as such that any subset of m actuators spans an m-dimensional velocity space. Since this densely constraints the work space, a more relaxed definition is needed. We therefore introduce the notion of k-singularity of a redundant mechanism which means that rigidifying k actuators will result in an optimal-regularity. We introduce an efficient algorithm to detect a k-singularity, give some examples for cases where m = 2, 3, and demonstrate our algorithm efficiency.
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June 2017
Optimal-Regularity for Serial Redundant Robots
Nir Shvalb,
Nir Shvalb
Department of Industrial Engineering,
Ariel University,
Ariel 4076113, Israel
e-mail: nirsh@ariel.ac.il
Ariel University,
Ariel 4076113, Israel
e-mail: nirsh@ariel.ac.il
Search for other works by this author on:
Tal Grinshpoun,
Tal Grinshpoun
Department of Industrial Engineering,
Ariel University,
Ariel 4076113, Israel
e-mail: talgr@ariel.ac.il
Ariel University,
Ariel 4076113, Israel
e-mail: talgr@ariel.ac.il
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Oded Medina
Oded Medina
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Ariel University,
Ariel 4076113, Israel
e-mail: odedmedina@gmail.com
Ariel University,
Ariel 4076113, Israel
e-mail: odedmedina@gmail.com
Search for other works by this author on:
Nir Shvalb
Department of Industrial Engineering,
Ariel University,
Ariel 4076113, Israel
e-mail: nirsh@ariel.ac.il
Ariel University,
Ariel 4076113, Israel
e-mail: nirsh@ariel.ac.il
Tal Grinshpoun
Department of Industrial Engineering,
Ariel University,
Ariel 4076113, Israel
e-mail: talgr@ariel.ac.il
Ariel University,
Ariel 4076113, Israel
e-mail: talgr@ariel.ac.il
Oded Medina
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Ariel University,
Ariel 4076113, Israel
e-mail: odedmedina@gmail.com
Ariel University,
Ariel 4076113, Israel
e-mail: odedmedina@gmail.com
Manuscript received May 15, 2016; final manuscript received December 15, 2016; published online March 24, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Andreas Mueller.
J. Mechanisms Robotics. Jun 2017, 9(3): 031015 (5 pages)
Published Online: March 24, 2017
Article history
May 15, 2016
December 15, 2016
Shvalb, N., Grinshpoun, T., and Medina, O. (March 24, 2017). "Optimal-Regularity for Serial Redundant Robots." ASME. J. Mechanisms Robotics. June 2017; 9(3): 031015. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4035532
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