This study investigated the effects of applying three different types of rejuvenators on a highly aged parking lot pavement, which had shown some severe raveling. Cores were taken from the pavement before and after the treatments to examine the effects of these treatments. Tests were performed to determine the viscosity of the recovered asphalt binders from different layers of the pavement before and after the treatment. Right before coring, the surface texture and skid resistance were measured to assess whether the treatment had adversely affected the frictional properties of the pavement.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, R. E.
, “Asphalt Rejuvenators—Fact, or Fable
,” prepared for presentation at the Transportation Systems 2000 (TS2K) Workshop
, San Antonio, TX
, February 28–March 3, 2000.2.
, C. K.
and Agarwal
, H.
, “Effect of Fog Seals and Rejuvenators for Bituminous Pavement Surfaces
,” Research Report 1156-1F, Texas Department of Transportation
, 04
City of Columbus,
Public Service Department Transportation Division
, “Supplemental Specification 1540 Asphalt Rejuvenating Agent
,” 01
, G. A.
, Musselman
, J. A.
, and Page
, G. C.
, “An Evaluation of a Sealer-Rejuvenator Treatment
,” Research Report FL/DOT/SMO/00-440, State Material Office
, State of Florida, 04
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