Due to high efficiency, multigrid (MG) algorithms developed by Lubrecht and Venner or others have been widely applied to solve the Reynolds equation in lubrication simulations. However, such algorithms are complex in nature and in-depth understandings and further development are of interest. This work proposes a new restriction operator of pressure to simplify the relaxation of the load balance equation and constructs several new relaxation processes based on key options of relaxations when either pressures or changes of pressure are evaluated from the Reynolds equation. In addition, effects of cycle types, treatments of cavitation boundary, line-solvers, relaxation factors, and differential schemes are revealed. This paper further implements a mass conservation algorithm into the MG code in order to deal with micro-cavitations. Characteristics of film thickness, pressure, flow continuity, and residuals, resulting from smooth, wavy, or rough surfaces are discussed. Finally, the results from the last correction cycles at various levels are recommended to be used for better accuracy.