This paper presents an active microvibration isolation system using voice-coil linear motors, and pneumatic and piezoelectric actuators. This system is designed to reduce microvibration of the six degrees-of-freedom associated with the rigid body modes of the vibration isolation table by feeding back the pseudo absolute displacement and velocity of the table. To improve vibration isolation performance, a feed-forward control link is added to the sway components in each dimension. This system can also control bending modes of the table in the frequency range up to 200 Hz by employing a proposed Virtual Tuned-Mass Damper control strategy, which is a type of the pole assignment method. In this approach, the pole locations are chosen by a genetic algorithm. For ambient microvibration of the floor around 0.5 cm/s2 and for small earthquakes of around 8 cm/s2 a reduction by a factor of 100 was achieved in the acceleration of the vibration isolation table. Moreover, the vibration of the isolation table was decreased over the entire frequency range. This system also showed good vibration control performance when an impact excitation was applied directly to the table; vibration was damped out within about 0.1 sec. Additionally, the resonance amplitudes around the bending modes of the table were reduced from 1/5 to 1/15 by the Virtual Tuned-Mass Damper method.
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April 2001
Technical Papers
An Active Microvibration Isolation System for Hi-tech Manufacturing Facilities
H. Yoshioka, Visiting Scholar,,
H. Yoshioka, Visiting Scholar,
Dept. of Civil Engrg. and Geo. Sci., Univ. of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556-0767
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Y. Takahashi,
Y. Takahashi
Takenaka Corporation, 4-1-13, Hon-machi, Chuoh-ku, Osaka, 541-0053, Japan
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K. Katayama,
K. Katayama
Takenaka Corporation, 4-1-13, Hon-machi, Chuoh-ku, Osaka, 541-0053, Japan
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T. Imazawa,
T. Imazawa
Takenaka Corporation, R&D Institute, 1-5-1, Ohtsuka, Inzai-shi, Chiba, 270-1395, Japan
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N. Murai
N. Murai
Takenaka Corporation, R&D Institute, 1-5-1, Ohtsuka, Inzai-shi, Chiba, 270-1395, Japan
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H. Yoshioka, Visiting Scholar,
Dept. of Civil Engrg. and Geo. Sci., Univ. of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556-0767
Y. Takahashi
Takenaka Corporation, 4-1-13, Hon-machi, Chuoh-ku, Osaka, 541-0053, Japan
K. Katayama
Takenaka Corporation, 4-1-13, Hon-machi, Chuoh-ku, Osaka, 541-0053, Japan
T. Imazawa
Takenaka Corporation, R&D Institute, 1-5-1, Ohtsuka, Inzai-shi, Chiba, 270-1395, Japan
N. Murai
Takenaka Corporation, R&D Institute, 1-5-1, Ohtsuka, Inzai-shi, Chiba, 270-1395, Japan
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound for publication in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received Aug. 2000; revised Oct. 2000. Associate Editor: L. A. Bergman.
J. Vib. Acoust. Apr 2001, 123(2): 269-275 (7 pages)
Published Online: October 1, 2000
Article history
August 1, 2000
October 1, 2000
Yoshioka, H., Takahashi , Y., Katayama, K., Imazawa , T., and Murai, N. (October 1, 2000). "An Active Microvibration Isolation System for Hi-tech Manufacturing Facilities ." ASME. J. Vib. Acoust. April 2001; 123(2): 269–275.
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