Hysteresis exists widely in intelligent materials, such as piezoelectric and giant magnetostrictive ones, and it significantly affects the precision of vibration control when a controlled object moves at a range of micrometers or even smaller. Many measures must be implemented to eliminate the influence of hysteresis. In this work, the hysteresis characteristic of a proposed piezoelectric actuator (PEA) is tested and modeled based on the adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). A linearization control method with feedforward hysteresis compensation and proportional–integral–derivative (PID) feedback is established and simulated. A linear quadratic Gaussian with loop transfer recovery (LQG/LTR) regulator is then designed as a vibration controller. Verification experiments are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the control method in vibration isolation. Experiment results demonstrate that the proposed vibration control system with a feedforward feedback linearization controller and an LQG/LTR regulator can significantly improve the performance of a vibration isolation system in the frequency range of 5–200 Hz with low energy consumption.
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August 2018
Feedforward Feedback Linearization Linear Quadratic Gaussian With Loop Transfer Recovery Control of Piezoelectric Actuator in Active Vibration Isolation System
Shuai Wang,
Shuai Wang
Harbin Institute of Technology,
School of Mechatronics Engineering,
92 West Dazhi Street,
Nangang District,
Harbin 150001, China
e-mail: 24778885@qq.com
School of Mechatronics Engineering,
92 West Dazhi Street,
Nangang District,
Harbin 150001, China
e-mail: 24778885@qq.com
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Zhaobo Chen,
Zhaobo Chen
Harbin Institute of Technology,
School of Mechatronics Engineering,
92 West Dazhi Street,
Nangang District,
Harbin 150001, China
e-mail: chenzb@hit.edu.cn
School of Mechatronics Engineering,
92 West Dazhi Street,
Nangang District,
Harbin 150001, China
e-mail: chenzb@hit.edu.cn
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Xiaoxiang Liu,
Xiaoxiang Liu
Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,
No. 16, South 3rd street,
Zhongguancun, Haidian District,
Beijing 100190, China
e-mail: monkeyfiona@163.com
No. 16, South 3rd street,
Zhongguancun, Haidian District,
Beijing 100190, China
e-mail: monkeyfiona@163.com
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Yinghou Jiao
Yinghou Jiao
Harbin Institute of Technology,
School of Mechatronics Engineering,
92 West Dazhi Street, Nangang District,
Harbin 150001, China
e-mail: jiaoyh@hit.edu.cn
School of Mechatronics Engineering,
92 West Dazhi Street, Nangang District,
Harbin 150001, China
e-mail: jiaoyh@hit.edu.cn
Search for other works by this author on:
Shuai Wang
Harbin Institute of Technology,
School of Mechatronics Engineering,
92 West Dazhi Street,
Nangang District,
Harbin 150001, China
e-mail: 24778885@qq.com
School of Mechatronics Engineering,
92 West Dazhi Street,
Nangang District,
Harbin 150001, China
e-mail: 24778885@qq.com
Zhaobo Chen
Harbin Institute of Technology,
School of Mechatronics Engineering,
92 West Dazhi Street,
Nangang District,
Harbin 150001, China
e-mail: chenzb@hit.edu.cn
School of Mechatronics Engineering,
92 West Dazhi Street,
Nangang District,
Harbin 150001, China
e-mail: chenzb@hit.edu.cn
Xiaoxiang Liu
Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,
No. 16, South 3rd street,
Zhongguancun, Haidian District,
Beijing 100190, China
e-mail: monkeyfiona@163.com
No. 16, South 3rd street,
Zhongguancun, Haidian District,
Beijing 100190, China
e-mail: monkeyfiona@163.com
Yinghou Jiao
Harbin Institute of Technology,
School of Mechatronics Engineering,
92 West Dazhi Street, Nangang District,
Harbin 150001, China
e-mail: jiaoyh@hit.edu.cn
School of Mechatronics Engineering,
92 West Dazhi Street, Nangang District,
Harbin 150001, China
e-mail: jiaoyh@hit.edu.cn
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received November 16, 2017; final manuscript received January 28, 2018; published online February 23, 2018. Assoc. Editor: Stefano Lenci.
J. Vib. Acoust. Aug 2018, 140(4): 041009 (10 pages)
Published Online: February 23, 2018
Article history
November 16, 2017
January 28, 2018
Wang, S., Chen, Z., Liu, X., and Jiao, Y. (February 23, 2018). "Feedforward Feedback Linearization Linear Quadratic Gaussian With Loop Transfer Recovery Control of Piezoelectric Actuator in Active Vibration Isolation System." ASME. J. Vib. Acoust. August 2018; 140(4): 041009. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4039245
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